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Hamilton Beach Commercial Blog


What Operators Can Learn From the Top Restaurant Chains

“Why is eating out so expensive now?”

That’s a question millions of consumers are asking. And they’re not wrong — in the United States, the price of quick-service meals and snacks rose nearly 28% from 2019 to 2023. (Full-service restaurants saw a 24% price jump). In early 2024, the average quick-service check was $18, 4.5% more than last year.

Customers are also complaining about food delivery costs, which have been increasing because of new minimum wage laws in Seattle and New York City plus new fees tacked on by the delivery companies. All of this adds up to a tough environment for chain restaurants… yet many chains are not only surviving but thriving. What takeaways can we learn from their success?

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Topics: Foodservice, Chain Restaurants, foodservice operators, foodservice equipment, Chain restaurant trends, restaurant trends, Top restaurant chains

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