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Hamilton Beach Commercial Blog


Foodservice and Hospitality Resources for Weathering COVID-19

11:15 AM on March 26, 2020

At Hamilton Beach Commercial®, the safety and well-being of our employees and community is our top priority. Like many, we are monitoring and making important adjustments throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  Empty_Commercial_Kitchen

In order to support our partners and colleagues in the Foodservice and Hospitality industries who are struggling right now, we have compiled a list of links and resources for weathering the storm.

We will continue to update these resources with new information as it comes in, and we encourage you to send them our way for us to add. This list is not complete or exhaustive by any means!

And during the coming weeks, we'll continue to share recipes and other articles on our blog and social channels in addition to this important information. 

Read on. If you see content you like, be sure to join the HBC Community for regular updates. 

Foodservice Industry Resources

Hospitality Industry Resources


Health, Safety and Santitation Resources


Resources for Set Up of Take Out/Delivery - Foodservice


Restaurant and Hospitality Workers Support Organizations

Please send any additional resources you find our way. We'd also love to hear from you if you have any other topic suggestions. Please free free to submit them here or reach out to us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn or Instagram


Topics: Featured, Industry News, resources

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