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Hamilton Beach Commercial Blog


Blue Cheese Butter

10:19 AM on June 16, 2017

Blending butter with savory flavorings creates a compound butter that is perfect for adding a burst of flavor. These butters

Steak with Blue Cheese Butter

make excellent toppings for any roasted, broiled or barbecued meat, poultry or fish -- even veggies.

In honor of Father's Day in the U.S., which falls on this Sunday, June 18th, we present a simple recipe for creating a compound butter that would be perfect on top of a juicy steak fresh off the grill. 

Blue Cheese Butter
(Recipe by The California Culinary Academy)


4 oz. blue, Stilton, or Roquefort cheese
 cup unsalted butter



Crumble cheese and place in your culinary blender. In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, melt butter. With your culinary blender running, add the hot butter to the crumbled cheese using the dosing cup. Blend until color is homogeneous and mixture is smooth. Move the finished butter mixture to a bowl and let it stand at room temperature until it reaches a spoonable consistency. Use immediately, or refrigerate or freeze for later use. 


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Topics: Recipes, blue cheese, butter

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